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Chemische Beständigkeit PTFE

PTFE wird durch einige Alkalimetalle (geschmolzen oder in Lösung) und seltene Fluorverbindungen bei hohen Temperaturen und/oder Druck beeinflusst. Einige organische halogenierte Lösemittel werden absorbiert, wodurch geringfügige Formveränderungen verursacht werden, aber diese Effekte sind physisch und auch reversibel.


R – Resistant/Beständig
LR – Limited Resistance/Beschränkter Widerstand
NR – Not recommended/Nicht empfohlen
ND – No Data/Keine Daten

Eigenschaften können durch das Verarbeitungsverfahren, den Verbindungstypen, extrudierte Abmaße und andere Variablen verändert werden. Es ist die Verantwortung des Endverbrauchers, die Eignung des Produkts für seine spezifische Anwendung vollständig zu testen.

20°C/68°F 60°C/140°F 100°C/212°F
Acetaldehyde ND R R
Acetic acid (10%) R R R
Acetic acid (glac./anh.) R R R
Acetic anhydride R R R
Aceto-acetic ester R R R
Acetone R R R
Other ketones R R R
Acetonitrile R R R
Acetylene R R R
Acetyl salicylic acid R R R
Acid fumes R R R
Alcohols R R R
Aliphatic esters R R R
Alkyl chlorides ND ND ND
Alum R R R
Aluminium chloride R R R
Aluminium sulphate R R R
Ammonia, anhydrous R R R
Ammonia, aqueous R R R
Ammonium chloride R R R
Amyl acetate R R R
Aniline R R R
Antimony trichloride ND ND ND
Aqua regia R R R
Aromatic solvents R R R
Ascorbic acid R R R
Beer R R R
Benzaldehyde R R R
Benzene R R R
Benzoic acid R R R
Benzoyl peroxide R R R
Boric acid R R R
Brines, saturated R R R
Bromide (K) solution R R R
Bromine R R R
Bromine liquid, tech. R R R
Bromine water, saturated aqueous R R R
Butyl acetate R R R
Calcium chloride R R R
Carbon disulphide R R R
Carbonic acid R R R
Carbon tetrachloride R R R
Caustic soda & potash R R R
Cellulose paint R R R
Chlorates of Na, K, Ba R R R
Chlorine, dry R R R
Chlorine, wet R R R
Chlorides of Na, K, Ba R R R
Chloroacetic acid R R R
Chlorobenzene R R R
Chloroform R R R
Chlorosulphonic acid R R R
Chromic acid (80%) R R R
Citric acid R R R
Copper salts (most) R R R
Cresylic acids (50%) R R R
Cyclohexane R R R
Detergents, synthetic R R R
Emulsifiers, concentrated R R R
Ether R R R
Fatty acids (>C6) R R R
Ferric chloride R R R
Ferrous sulphate R R R
Fluorinated refrigerants R R R
Fluorine, dry R R NR
Fluorine, wet ND ND ND
Fluorosilic acid ND ND ND
Formaldehyde (40%) R R R
Formic acid R R R
Fruit juices R R R
Gelatine R R R
Glycerine R R R
Glycols R R R
Glycol, ethylene R R R
Glycolic acid R R R
Hexamethylene diamine R R R
Hexamine R R R
Hydrazine R R R
Hydrobromic acid (50%) R R R
Hydrochloric acid (10%) R R R
Hydrochloric acid (conc.) R R R
Hydrocyanic acid R R R
Hydrofluoric acid (40%) R R R
Hydrofluoric acid (75%) R R R
Hydrogen peroxide (30%) R R R
Hydrogen peroxide (30 - 90%) R R R
Hydrogen sulphide R R R
Hypochlorites R R R
Hypochlorites (Na 12-14%) R R R
Iso-butyl-acetate R R R
Lactic acid (90%) R R R
Lead acetate R R R
Lead perchlorate ND ND ND
Lime (CaO) R R R
Maleic acid R R R
Manganate, potassium (K) R R R
Meat juices R R R
Mercuric chloride R R R
Mercury R R R
Methanol R R R
Methylene chloride R R R
Milk products R R R
Moist air R R R
Molasses R R R
Monoethanolamine R R NR
Naptha R R R
Napthalene R R R
Nickel salts R R R
Nitrates of Na, K and NH3 R R R
Nitric acid (<25%)< /td> R R R
Nitric acid (50%) R R R
Nitric acid (90%) R R R
Nitric acid (fuming) R R R
Nitrite (Na) R R R
Nitrobenzene R R R
Oils, diesel R R R
Oils, essential R R R
Oils, lubricating + aromatic additives R R R
Oils, mineral R R R
Oils, vegetable and animal R R R
Oxalic acid R R R
Ozone R R R
Paraffin wax R R R
Perchloric acid R R R
Petroleum spirits R R ND
Phenol R R R
Phosphoric acid (20%) R R R
Phosphoric acid (50%) R R R
Phosphoric acid (95%) R R R
Phosphorous chlorides R R R
Phosphorous pentoxide ND ND ND
Phthalic acid R R R
Picric acid R R R
Pyridine R R R
Salicyl aldehyde R R R
Sea water R R R
Silicic acid R R R
Silicone fluids R R R
Silver nitrate R R R
Sodium carbonate R R R
Sodium peroxide R R R
Sodium silicate R R R
Sodium sulphide R R R
Stannic chloride R R R
Starch R R R
Sugar, syrups & jams R R R
Sulphamic acid ND ND ND
Sulphates (Na, K, Mg, Ca) R R R
Sulphites R R R
Sulphonic acids R R R
Sulphur R R R
Sulphur dioxide, dry R R R
Sulphur dioxide, wet R R R
Sulphur dioxide (96%) R R R
Sulphur trioxide R R R
Sulphuric acid (<50%)< /td> R R R
Sulphuric acid (70%) R R R
Sulphuric acid (95%) R R R
Sulphuric acid, fuming R R R
Sulphur chlorides R R R
Tallow R R R
Tannic acid (10%) R R R
Tartaric acid R R R
Trichlorethylene R R R
Urea (30%) R R R
Vinegar R R R
Water, distilled. R R R
Water, soft R R R
Water, hard R R R
Wetting agents (<5%)< /td> R R R
Yeast R R R
Zinc chloride R R R