Branches - Farmacie - Polyfluor

Pharmaceutical Industry

Fluoroplastic materials are extremely suitable for pharmaceutical applications. The materials are chosen for their clean, smooth, non-toxic, and non-allergenic properties, which makes them especially useful in applications involving human tissues and fluids. Polyfluor materials meet the highest standards, such as ISO 13485:2003. Our quality control and documentation systems are extremely reliable, ensuring consistent traceability of our materials.

Branches - Farmacie - Polyfluor - Tegel1
Branches - Farmacie - Polyfluor - Tegel3
Branches - Farmacie - Polyfluor - Tegel2

More information?

Please contact our sales engineers if you require more information, an inquiry or to evaluate samples. Or download our technical data sheets.

Our products for this industry

Hogedrukslang - Producten - Polyfluor - Klein

High-pressure hoses

Shrink tubing

PTFE folie - Halffabrikaten - Producten - Polyfluor

PTFE film

Cleanroom tubing PFTE - Producten - Polyfluor
