Branches - Defensie - Polyfluor


The fluoroplastic solutions of Polyfluor offer excellent resistance to chemicals, high temperatures, and extreme weather conditions, making them ideal for use in harsh environments. In addition to their exceptional performance characteristics, Polyfluor's fluoroplastics are also highly sustainable, with a low environmental impact throughout their entire lifecycle.

This makes them an ideal choice for defence applications, where both performance and sustainability are critical factors. With Polyfluor's fluoroplastic solutions, the defence industry can continue to innovate while also protecting the environment.

Our Options

Branches - Defensie - Polyfluor - Tegel3
Branches - Defensie - Polyfluor - Tegel1
Branches - Defensie - Polyfluor - Tegel2

More information?

Please contact our sales engineers if you require more information, an inquiry or to evaluate samples. Or download our technical data sheets.

Our products for this industry

Afdichtingen - Eindproducten - Polyfluor


Shrink tubing

Cleanroom tubing PFTE - Producten - Polyfluor
