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Chemical resistance PVDF

PVDF is very suitable for applications that require an excellent chemical resistance,a high degree of purity and superior mechanical properties. PVDF is often used as a coating or protection cover in chemical industry applications.

Note: The chemical resistance of each polymer is mainly determined by the chemical structure of the material and the strength of the weakest link in this specific structure.

Chart codes

R - Resistant 
LR - Limited Resistance 
NR - Not Recommended
ND - No Data

Actual properties may change due to processing method, compound type, extruded dimensions and other variables. It is the user's responsibility to evaluate and fully test the suitability of the product for their specific application.

20°C/68°F 60°C/140°F 100°C/212°F
Acetaldehyde NR NR NR
Acetic acid (10%) R R R
Acetic acid (glac./anh.) R R NR
Acetic anhydride NR NR NR
Aceto-acetic ester ND ND ND
Acetone R NR NR
Other ketones NR NR NR
Acetonitrile R ND ND
Acetylene R ND ND
Acetyl salicylic acid R R R
Acid fumes R R R
Alcohols R R R
Aliphatic esters R R R
Alkyl chlorides ND ND ND
Alum R R R
Aluminium chloride R R R
Aluminium sulphate R R R
Ammonia, anhydrous NR NR NR
Ammonia, aqueous R R ND
Ammonium chloride R R R
Amyl acetate R R NR
Aniline R R NR
Antimony trichloride ND ND NR
Aqua regia R R NR
Aromatic solvents R R R
Ascorbic acid R R R
Beer R R R
Benzaldehyde R NR NR
Benzene R R R
Benzoic acid R R R
Benzoyl peroxide ND ND ND
Boric acid R R R
Brines, saturated R R R
Bromide (K) solution R R R
Bromine R R R
Bromine liquid, tech. R R R
Bromine water, saturated aqueous R R R
Butyl acetate R NR NR
Calcium chloride R R R
Carbon disulphide R NR NR
Carbonic acid R R R
Carbon tetrachloride R R R
Caustic soda & potash R R NR
Cellulose paint ND ND ND
Chlorates of Na, K, Ba R R R
Chlorine, dry R R R
Chlorine, wet R R R
Chlorides of Na, K, Ba R R R
Chloroacetic acid R R NR
Chlorobenzene R R NR
Chloroform R R NR
Chlorosulphonic acid NR NR NR
Chromic acid (80%) R R NR
Citric acid R R R
Copper salts (most) R R R
Cresylic acids (50%) R R R
Cyclohexane R R R
Detergents, synthetic R R R
Emulsifiers, concentrated R R R
Esters R R NR
Ether R R R
Fatty acids (>C6) R R R
Ferric chloride R R R
Ferrous sulphate R R R
Fluorinated refrigerants R R R
Fluorine, dry NR NR NR
Fluorine, wet NR NR NR
Fluorosilic acid R R R
Formaldehyde (40%) R R R
Formic acid R R R
Fruit juices R R R
Gelatine R R R
Glycerine R R R
Glycols R R R
Glycol, ethylene R R R
Glycolic acid R R R
Hexamethylene diamine ND ND ND
Hexamine R NR NR
Hydrazine R NR NR
Hydrobromic acid (50%) R R R
Hydrochloric acid (10%) R R R
Hydrochloric acid (conc.) R R R
Hydrocyanic acid R R R
Hydrofluoric acid (40%) R R R
Hydrofluoric acid (75%) R R R
Hydrogen peroxide (30%) R R R
Hydrogen peroxide (30 - 90%) R R R
Hydrogen sulphide R R R
Hypochlorites R R R
Hypochlorites (Na 12-14%) R R R
Iso-butyl-acetate R NR NR
Lactic acid (90%) R R R
Lead acetate R R R
Lead perchlorate ND ND ND
Lime (CaO) R R R
Maleic acid R R R
Manganate, potassium (K) R R R
Meat juices R R R
Mercuric chloride R R R
Mercury R R R
Methanol R R R
Methylene chloride R R NR
Milk products R R R
Moist air R R R
Molasses R R R
Monoethanolamine R NR NR
Naptha R R R
Napthalene R R R
Nickel salts R R R
Nitrates of Na, K and NH3 R R R
Nitric acid (<25%)< /td> R R R
Nitric acid (50%) R R R
Nitric acid (90%) R NR NR
Nitric acid (fuming) R NR NR
Nitrite (Na) R R R
Nitrobenzene R NR NR
Oils, diesel R R R
Oils, essential R R R
Oils, lubricating + aromatic additives R R R
Oils, mineral R R R
Oils, vegetable and animal R R R
Oxalic acid R R R
Ozone NR NR NR
Paraffin wax R R R
Perchloric acid R R R
Petroleum spirits R R ND
Phenol R NR NR
Phosphoric acid (20%) R R NR
Phosphoric acid (50%) R R R
Phosphoric acid (95%) R R R
Phosphorous chlorides R NR NR
Phosphorous pentoxide R R R
Phthalic acid R R R
Picric acid R R R
Pyridine R NR NR
Salicyl aldehyde ND ND ND
Sea water R R R
Silicic acid R R R
Silicone fluids R R R
Silver nitrate R R R
Sodium carbonate R R R
Sodium peroxide R R R
Sodium silicate R R R
Sodium sulphide R R R
Stannic chloride R R R
Starch R R R
Sugar, syrups & jams R R R
Sulphamic acid R R R
Sulphates (Na, K, Mg, Ca) R R R
Sulphites R R R
Sulphonic acids R R R
Sulphur R R R
Sulphur dioxide, dry NR NR NR
Sulphur dioxide, wet NR NR NR
Sulphur dioxide (96%) R R ND
Sulphur trioxide NR NR NR
Sulphuric acid (<50%)< /td> R R R
Sulphuric acid (70%) R R R
Sulphuric acid (95%) R R NR
Sulphuric acid, fuming NR NR NR
Sulphur chlorides NR NR NR
Tallow R R R
Tannic acid (10%) R R R
Tartaric acid R R R
Trichlorethylene R R NR
Urea (30%) R R R
Vinegar R R R
Water, distilled. R R R
Water, soft R R R
Water, hard R R R
Wetting agents (<5%)< /td> R R R
Yeast R R R
Zinc chloride R R R