Hogedruk slangen - General Purpose GP - Producten - Polyfluor - Desktop - Banner Hogedruk slangen - General Purpose GP - Producten - Polyfluor - Mobiel

Type GP, General Purpose

The wide range of high-quality, high-pressure hoses from Polyfluor are suitable for many demanding applications in various industries. Due to their specific properties, the plastic and stainless steel high-pressure hoses are very versatile and resistant to most extreme conditions. 

Type GP (General Purpose) is a smooth high pressure hose which is developed as a high quality industrial hose with high flexibility and high flex life and is usually used in hydraulic applications. Due to the unique properties of PTFE, the hoses have a superior reliability in lower pressure applications.

Key properties Type GP hoses

  • Excellent chemical resistance
  • Good flexibility and flex life in hydraulic and pneumatic
  • Single Stainless Steel braid


  • Supplied in bulk length (coils or spools)
  • Assembled hoses with additional Hytrel/PVC/Silicone/PP cover possible
  • Assembled hoses with optional Stainless Steel safety wire and clamps or loops
  • Assembled hoses degreased on request

Technical information

Need more information about the properties of the Type GP hoses? These can be found in the technical datasheet below.

More information?

Please contact our sales engineers if you require more information, an inquiry or to evaluate samples. Or download our technical data sheets.