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Type BT

Type BT is available with a closed surface, but also with porous or open mesh structure (mesh belt). The base glass fibre is also impregnated with PTFE, but has a slightly different structure than type BP. The solid structure of this type of glass fibre ensures a higher tensile strength, which makes this type of PTFE glass fibre an often choosen material for applications in which there is a high load on the material. For example use as a conveyor belt in industrial processes in which pressure, temperature, UV light and/or non-stick properties are important factors.

Standard packing unit of type BT are rolls of 30 mtr, in various widths. Other lengths are available on request. The most common thicknesses are 0,08 mm/0,12 mm/0,15 mm/0,22 mm/0,36 mm/0,48 mm. The standard colour of PTFE glass fibre is light brown. Other colours available on request.

On request we can work with you to determine the right material for your application. If you need this material as a conveyor belt then we have a wide variety of connections and edge reinforcements.

Porous materials

  • BT07-070; thickness 0,07mm
  • BT12-200; thickness 0,12mm
  • BT20-255; thickness 0,20mm
  • BT34-400; thickness 0,34mm

Materials with closed surface (conveyor belts)

  • BT08-150; thickness 0,08mm
  • BT13-260; thickness 0,13mm
  • BT15-300; thickness 0,15mm
  • BT25-500; thickness 0,25mm
  • BT26-530; thickness 0,26mm
  • BT36-600; thickness 0,36mm
  • BT48-750; thickness 0,48mm
  • BT84-1099; thickness 0,69mm

Open mesh materials (conveyor belts)

  • BT64-515 1x1mm; thickness 0,64mm
  • BT65-500 2x2mm; thickness 0,70mm
  • BT80-950 2x2mm; thickness 0,80mm
  • BT76-470 4x4mm; thickness 0,76mm

More information?

Please contact our sales engineers if you require more information, an inquiry or to evaluate samples. Or download our technical data sheets.