Draad, kabels en vezel - PEEK elektrische draad - Producten - Polyfluor - Desktop - Banner Draad, kabels en vezel - PEEK elektrische draad - Producten - Polyfluor - Mobiel

PEEK electrical wire

PEEK insulated wire is designed specifically for use in challenging environments, typical applications include magnet or winding wire for motors and electrical insulation. For some applications, little or no varnish is required and material properties are maintained in long, continuous lengths without pinholes. PEEK insulated wire is used in oil & gas, automotive, aerospace, and electrical industries

Key properties

  • High continuous operating temperature +260ºC
  • Excellent abrasion resistance
  • Dielectric strength
  • Chemical resistance
  • Thermal endurance in long, continuous lengths (without pinholes)
  • Protects against corrosion


  • Sizes AWG4 to AWG32 
  • 100% AC spark tested during extrusion
  • Round, square, and rectangular profiles available
  • Stranded, plated, and other wire form

More information?

Please contact our sales engineers if you require more information, an inquiry or to evaluate samples. Or download our technical data sheets.