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Gas sampling bags

Gas sampling bags are designed and manufactured for critical environmental applications where contamination of the bag or its content must be kept to a minimum. Single or multiple-use designs are available.

The gas sample bags are made from carefully selected fluoroplastic films and are produced under clean conditions. The special welding equipment ensures seams of the highest integrity.

Our gas sampling bags are available in a range of standard sizes (1 to 250 litre) but can be made in any size on customer request. Standard films are FEP, PVDF, and Tedlar® in 50 micron (0.002"). However, we can supply in most other film materials for special requirements.

The gas sample bag connectors are manufactured in pure PTFE and inserted in the bag in such a way that only fluoroplastic material can come into contact with the gas sample. We can deliver a range of standard PTFE connectors, but we can also offer a dual use Polypropylene connector for less sensitive applications.

Multiple use FEP bags can have a Kapton reinforced weld to increase life and larger multiple use bags are often specified with internal FEP scavenger pipes to ensure complete evacuation of gases before re-using the gas sample bag.

Tedlar® bags and PVDF gas sample bags are commonly used in vehicle emission testing for VOC's and where a robust non-contaminating material is required. FEP gas sampling bags are used mainly for odour measurement, and very low concentration analysis.